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Margi Haas is a seasoned entrepreneur, business consultant, transformational coach and mentor. Her passion is supporting those who coach with her to achieve extraordinary transformation in every domain of their lives. She invites you to explore and live the magnificent, the mystical and the magical in you and the universe around you.

Margi spent  over 30 years in international business dealing with  East Asia on Wall Street and then founding and managing The Haas Associates, Inc.,  her own cross-cultural cross-borders executive search and consulting firm in New York City and Tokyo. She is a licensed psychotherapist (LP) in New York State. She is Board Approved in both Executive Coaching and in Executive Recruiting by the Society for the Advancement of Consulting (SAC). She has taught organizational and personal coaching courses for NYU's  School of Professional Studies.

Margi received her BA  with Honors from Stanford and her MA from Harvard in East Asian Studies, completed a four-year clinical fellowship with the Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy in New York City, and a three-year coaching training in Ontological Coaching and Design with  noted Chilean  business philosopher cum entrepreneur  Fernando  Flores. She has trained in Human Design, and is fluent  in Japanese.